Monday, November 5, 2012

Potato and Celeriac Mash

What is celeriac, you ask?

What is this bundle of ugly that I see at my supermarket every week next to the bell peppers and eggplants?  It's celery root!  It has a nice, starchy texture like potatoes, with a hint of celery flavor (it's milder when cooked), but it's got half the carbs and calories and twice the fiber!

This was my first foray into cooking it, so I decided I'd combine it with potatoes to make sure I could take the flavor :D.


1 pound celeriac (celery root), washed, peeled, and cut into 1-inch cubes
1 pound potatoes (I used Yukons), washed, peeled, and cut into 1-inch cubes
1/2 cup milk
3 T. butter
Salt & pepper to taste


Bring a pot of salted water to boil, big enough to boil the potatoes and celeriac.  Cook until a fork easily pierces the cubes, about 10 minutes.  Drain into a colander.

Place the potatoes and celeriac back into the pot and mash with a potato-masher or a fork.

 Once it's almost entirely mashed up, take an electric mixer and whip the mixture.  Add in the milk and butter and continue whipping until it reaches the desired texture.  Salt and pepper to taste and serve!

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