Is there an echo in here?
What a year it's been.
To get you all updated quickly, I've been working a full-time job, struggling a lot with emotions and injury, and trying to constantly "get back on top of things" for, yes, about a year now.
I spent nearly a year with some form of foot injury, which is very hard to manage when you work on your feet most of the day. I'm 95% sure it was plantar fasciitis, which is probably the most annoying form of injury I have ever had. I could not run, for a good few months I could not walk right, and I now have to retrain my feet while running so that I don't destroy my form by coddling my now-healed foot. I'm back to it, though, and that's what matters!
The universe decided to grant us some happiness in February; Charles has finally immigrated (!!!), and we're on the search for a house in the area so we can get out of my parents' basement. It's a large basement, but...yeah, you know, it's still your parents' basement.
All in all, things are going very well right now.
And summer is on its way! Very soon,oh god where is my life going????
I have decided to resurrect my blog as I have been tinkering with baking recipes for ages and recording my recipes on small scraps of food-stained paper that are, well, easily lost. And I don't want to lose them when they are successes.
So, hopefully I have some readership eventually, but otherwise, this is just my personal digital recipe box.
See you all soon! Hello again!